Monday, April 30, 2012

Sounds of Tabla or table ke bol

We can produce many sounds from tabla. Some basic sounds that are generated from tabla is as follows: There are two bodies in a tabla set. One is called Bayan (Left one) other is called Dayan (Right one). Some sounds are generated from Bayan only and some sounds are generated from Dayan only and some sounds are generated by playing both Bayan and Dayan. 1. Bayan ke bol: ka, ki, ke, kat these sounds are produced by putting four fingers on the got of Bayan. Ga, gi, ge, ghe can be produced on Bayan by hammering left hands first or/and second finger alternatively. 2. Dayan ke bol: Ta or Na these sounds are produced by hammering index finger on the Chanti of Dayan. when we hammer index finger on the chanti and lift atonce it will produce Na and if we don't lift at once some delay is there then Ta will be sounded. Ti or Tin : On Dayan at love point when we hammer our index finger and lift at once Tin will be sounded and if we lift after a delay Ti will be produced. Other sounds on Syahi is produced that are The, Te. The can be produced by putting middle finger and ring finger together of right hand and hammering on the middle of the Syahi. Te is produced by hammering index finger on the middle of the Syahi. Te is produced after playing The. The and Te is produced on syahi fingers should be sticked with syahi while playing the and te. Other sounds are Tun or Thun. Tun sound can be produced by hammering and lifting index finger on the Syahi. Thun is produced by hammering four fingers on the Syahi of dahina your palm should be touched slightly on the corner of the dahina. 3. Bayan + Dayan ke bol: Dha is produced by playing Ge + Na simultaneously. Dhin is produced by playing Ge + Tin simultaneously. Dhe is produced by playing Ge + The.
तबले के द्वारा हम विभिन्न तरह के बोल निकाल सकते हैं.
तबले  के दो भाग होते हैं . बायाँ  भाग और दाहिना भाग . कुछ बोल बाएं भाग से कुछ दायें से व कुछ दोनों भागों को एक साथ बजाने पर निकलते हैं.
तबले के १० मुख्य बोल हैं
बाएं  के बोल :     १.  गे या घे  (बाएं के मैदान पर )
                         २. का , की, के, कत ( बाएं के गोट पर)
दायें के बोल :     ३. ना , त (चांटी पर )
                        ४. तिन्  , ती  (लव पर)
                        ५. तू , तुन्  (स्याही पर )
                        ६. दिन्  , थून्  (स्याही चांटी के समन्वय से )
                        ७. ति , ते  (स्याही के बीच में दाहिने हाथ की मध्यमा व  अनामिका  ऊँगली मिलकर )
                        ८. रि ,  टे  (स्याही के बीच में दाहिने हाथ की तर्जनी ऊँगली से )
तबले  के बाएं एवं दाहिने दोनों को साथ बजाने पर निकलने वाले बोल :
                        ९. धा  (घे + ना ) ( बाएं के मैदान पर घे  तथा दायें के चांटी पर ना एक साथ बजाएं )
                      १०.धिन्  (घे + तिन् ) ( बाएं के मैदान पर घे  तथा दायें के लव पर तिन्  एक साथ बजाएं )

Parts of Tabla

Parts of Tabla
तबले  के भागों के नाम

Parts of Tabla
तबले  के भागों के नाम

Parts of Tabla

Parts of Tabla
तबले के भागों के नाम

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Bayan (Left of metal) ... Dayan (Right of wood)